Thursday, March 11, 2010

Do You Crave Salty Snacks?

Do you know that salt, within reason, is not only good for you, but essential? Craving salt can be because your body needs salt and maybe minerals that are with salt. However, if the salt has been processed improperly, it may taste like you expect it to, but much of the food value may be lost. Then you keep craving more salt because you did not get what you needed it for – why you craved it, and then it may to turn into an addiction.

There is a magnetic relationship between salt and minerals, so one of the benefits of eating salt is the minerals you get. The problem is that most salt in the stores, restaurants, etc. has had the minerals taken out, so they can sell them separately and make more money, or they created the salt in a lab by combining sodium and chloride. This is one reason most salt is pretty cheap and a good sea salt or other complete salt costs more: you are getting much more that plain salt (which doesn’t really happen in nature). This cheap salt goes through your body leaching minerals out of your body, because of the magnetic relationship; and since our bodies are made of minerals and water, a lack of minerals can only mean deterioration.

Salt, or sodium, is very important for our immune support and also for our brain function. If you have a cut or a wound that is healing slowly, a likely cause is that your body is deficient of salt or sodium.

Another problem with many common salts is that some of them contain dirt and calcium silicates as an anti-caking measure. It is believed that this dross can be a hardship on our hearts. On top of that some have used bleach to make the dirt not show, rather than removing the dirt.

The answer? Only use good complete clean salt; that cheap salt can be for not slipping on the sidewalk or some people use it on the stove to keep food that overflows out of pans from sticking, but it should not be considered real food because it has been altered. I have found a sea salt that I love; it is called SmartSaltz and not only does it have the minerals it needs, since they did not remove the minerals, they found a way to remove the dirt, and also to make it into fine flowing crystals. It does not taste as brackish if you get a little too much; it is the cleanest tasting salt I have ever tasted. Many scientists believe that these impurities/dross can potentially run interference with heart health. You can even see it if you dissolve both kinds of salt in separate jars of water. You can see a video of this and try it by going to the following website:

And what is the most exciting news is that when you ‘satisfy’ your craving with a moderate amount of salt, that is complete and processed cleanly, that moderate amount satisfies that craving! (If you have a long standing “addiction” to salt, then you may need to work on that part of it, but you won’t have the true need type of craving left unsatisfied to complicate the issue and thwart your efforts!)

Nancy Jean Nason is an author and entrepreneur for WholiHealth and Off & Runnin, dedicated to Wholism in foods, for the body, body-mind-spirit, even in your business, as well as for the whole planet. For more about Nancy Jean, see

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